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This game looks so good. Exactly something i was hunting for around 6 years ago. I'm thrilled to see this exists! 


Would love to play and review for a 2nd YT channel Im launching focused on solo/2 player RPGs.

Any chance for a community copy?


Just refreshed again! Enjoy.


This has been so far a very fun little game! I talked about it on a blog post and have some gameplay on YouTube. I'll link the first episode here and add a link to my blog post about it below as well for anyone interested in checking it out. It's a very fun game!

First blog about the game:

This was great to watch, dude! You took to the spirit of the game absolutely incredibly (and saw past some of the errata and vague bits since it is an absolutely tiny ruleset!).


Thanks! It was a lot of fun! I will be doing more for sure, meant to this week but the kiddos had a flu so of course not much recording time for me! Next week hopefully haha.


Curious what the container is that you've used in the images. Is that like an index card holder?


It is a 2.52x1.73x0.79 inch plastic jewlery container. Got them in bulk from the ol amazon.

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I'm one of your KS backers. I finally got around to playing this today. I don't own a printer, and I found it hard to follow the Pocketmod format until I ordered prints yesterday and made the little booklets this morning.

I felt underwhelmed when starting, but having been playing solo for about three years now, my style of play soon melded with that of the game, and I spent nearly two hours journaling my first day!

My alchemist Sage, Nupp, started at Cyclopsamid, where he met Damsella. Through Damsella's signing, he learned that the Goop procured here would not hurt the Potted Plant that is his test subject, so he wants some, but has to bring a Bile Gem. Damsella explained that he would need a Protractor to prevent himself from getting engulfed, but there are none nearby.

As he was leaving, Damsella's husband Epimetheus spotted Nupp, thought he was Damsella's secret lover, and attacked him! Nupp succeeded in scooping his eye out with his weapon, an Oversized Spoon. Another Cyclops saw this, but this neighbor felt that Epimetheus was a real jerk and deserved losing his Cyclops Eye.

All of the other citizens of Cyclopsamid were charmed by Nupp, and those who sign with the one who saw him remove Epimetheus' eye will eventually revere him by the foible monicker "The Eye Plucker."

I'm looking forward to the Stretch Goals, especially the playing card expansion!


Wow, this is very kind and very awesome to hear! I love hearing stuff like this, so thank you for writin it out : ) Expansions are coming! I have a couple of maps ready including a new pamphlet for sailing the waterways all finished!


Hey, I just found this beautiful pocket game in the Solo Bundle and it immediately caught my eye. Unfortunately, I'm... broke...

So... if possible, can you hook this brother-in-need up with some free copies? I promise I'll tell all my friends how awesome the game is. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

(but only after the most-likely-won't-happen copies have run out of course, those sucker friends of mine have to pay for themselves 🥰)

Well, even if the answer is going to be no, thank you for listening to my shameless begging anyway. I guess I just have to pay for the game on a later day. 🥲

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No prob! I usually keep a few dozen community copies up. Must have just run out! Ill update tonight. Also, i just finished up a mini expansion so will hopefully be posting that in the coming weeks as well! Thanks for the interest btw!


Yay! I love generous game designers. They are my second most favorite thing. 

My most favorite thing is free stuff!!! $$$

Anyway, had a blast with the game in the past few hours. The rules in general are just excellently straightforward and I particularly like the time system. It adds some great depth to an otherwise simple game; and the downtime lets me incorporate some of my favorite journaling RPGs (Village Witch, Thousand Year Vampire, etc.) into the game. Also really appreciate the built-in oracles/tables and especially the diceless system, truly makes the game portable. I can already envision myself carrying the printouts all the time when traveling :) 

Excited for the expansion! Will definitely throw you some bucks once my paycheck comes. I may be broke but I'm by no means poor in the heart!


Wow, incredibly nice to hear all that. Thank you so much!

I created a pocketfold version of the character booklet for my own use, and I'd love to send it to you if you're interested. Obviously I won't be distributing it myself unless you want me to.

So awesome! Yeah, that would save me some upcomign work if you wanna send it over : ) landenchasepelish at gmail